Bei Alits Life Spawnt die KI ohne Waffen wenn überhaupt mit Granaten.
Mein Frage Wie kann ich das Ausstellen das die KI ohne Waffe Spwant.
Ich habe schon versucht die KI Master Gruppe auf der Map zu löschen das hatte aber nicht gebracht.
Bei Alits Life Spawnt die KI ohne Waffen wenn überhaupt mit Granaten.
Mein Frage Wie kann ich das Ausstellen das die KI ohne Waffe Spwant.
Ich habe schon versucht die KI Master Gruppe auf der Map zu löschen das hatte aber nicht gebracht.
Keiner einer ne Idee
irgendwo ist hinterlegt removeWeapon suche einfach mal danach
Ist das auf der Map oder in einer Datei ?
nimm einfach notepad++ und durchsuche die mission nach removeWeapon bzw. removeAllWeapons
ok ich schau mal danke
Habe jetzt nur removeAllWeapons und Magzine raus genommen.
Indem ich einfch die Mission pbo bearbeitet habe.
Jetzt kann man nicht mehr auf den den Server rauf.
Ich hatte einmal aus der loadGear und aus der stripDownPlayer removeAllWeapons raus genommen bis da hin ging der Server noch aber ohne Erfolg.
Dann habe ich noch aus der fn_onTakeItem.sqf und aus der player_sys removeAllWeapons raus genommen sobald ich das mache kann man nicht mehr auf den Server verbinden mann kommt nicht mal in die Lobby.
Hallo Roy Mustang,
habe gesehen das du Altis Life auf dein Server hast,
und weiß was das Problem ist!
Geh in dein Mission Ordner und öffne die Config_Master.hpp mir Notepad.
Danach scrollst du runter bis in die 23 Zeile und dort müsste stehen:
save_civilian_weapons = false;
du änderst einfach das false zu true und dann
Speicherst du mit STRG+S ab,
startest die Mission neu oder lädst die Mission auf den Server.
Hoffe konnte dir helfen
MFG Raphael275 | Raphael Alonso
Sicher ich will das opfor Ki mit waffen spawnen.
Das bei den Zivis die Waffen Speichern ist eigentlich egal oder hat das was damit zu Tuhen.
Ich alle Farming Routen usw Entfernt der Server Ist für ein Taktik Clan mit Geld und Haus System.
Habe grade gesehen das ich save_civilian_weapons auf true habe aber das bringt auch nichts.
So habe im Life Server das Gefunden
if (!isPlayer _x) then {
_npc = _x;
if (_x != "") then {
_npc removeWeapon _x;
} forEach [primaryWeapon _npc,secondaryWeapon _npc,handgunWeapon _npc];
} forEach allUnits;
Mein Frage jetzt noch wie muss ich das aus der Init.sqf Löschen hier die Init wenn ich den oberen code einfach raus lösche wird der Server nicht mehr angezeigt
#include "script_macros.hpp"
File: init.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Edit: Nanou for HeadlessClient optimization.
Please read support for more informations.
Initialize the server and required systems.
private ["_dome","_rsb","_timeStamp","_extDBNotLoaded"];
DB_Async_Active = false;
DB_Async_ExtraLock = false;
life_server_isReady = false;
_extDBNotLoaded = "";
serv_sv_use = [];
publicVariable "life_server_isReady";
life_save_civilian_position = if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position") isEqualTo 0) then {false} else {true};
fn_whoDoneIt = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\Functions\Systems\fn_whoDoneIt.sqf";
Prepare the headless client.
life_HC_isActive = false;
publicVariable "life_HC_isActive";
HC_Life = false;
publicVariable "HC_Life";
if (EXTDB_SETTING(getNumber,"HeadlessSupport") isEqualTo 1) then {
[] execVM "\life_server\initHC.sqf";
Prepare extDB before starting the initialization process
for the server.
if (isNil {uiNamespace getVariable "life_sql_id"}) then {
life_sql_id = round(random(9999));
uiNamespace setVariable ["life_sql_id",life_sql_id];
try {
_result = EXTDB format ["9:ADD_DATABASE:%1",EXTDB_SETTING(getText,"DatabaseName")];
if (!(_result isEqualTo "[1]")) then {throw "extDB3: Error with Database Connection"};
_result = EXTDB format ["9:ADD_DATABASE_PROTOCOL:%2:SQL:%1:TEXT2",FETCH_CONST(life_sql_id),EXTDB_SETTING(getText,"DatabaseName")];
if (!(_result isEqualTo "[1]")) then {throw "extDB3: Error with Database Connection"};
} catch {
diag_log _exception;
_extDBNotLoaded = [true, _exception];
if (_extDBNotLoaded isEqualType []) exitWith {};
diag_log "extDB3: Connected to Database";
} else {
life_sql_id = uiNamespace getVariable "life_sql_id";
diag_log "extDB3: Still Connected to Database";
if (_extDBNotLoaded isEqualType []) exitWith {
life_server_extDB_notLoaded = true;
publicVariable "life_server_extDB_notLoaded";
life_server_extDB_notLoaded = false;
publicVariable "life_server_extDB_notLoaded";
/* Run stored procedures for SQL side cleanup */
["CALL resetLifeVehicles",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
["CALL deleteDeadVehicles",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
["CALL deleteOldHouses",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
["CALL deleteOldGangs",1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
_timeStamp = diag_tickTime;
diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
diag_log "---------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Server Init ---------------------------------";
diag_log "------------------------------------------ Version 5.0.0 -------------------------------------------";
diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_position_restart") isEqualTo 1) then {
[] spawn {
_query = "UPDATE players SET civ_alive = '0' WHERE civ_alive = '1'";
[_query,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
/* Map-based server side initialization. */
master_group attachTo[bank_obj,[0,0,0]];
_hs = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_main_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
_hs setDir (markerDir _x);
_hs setPosATL (getMarkerPos _x);
_var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side1_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
_var attachTo [_hs, [4.69775,32.6045,-0.1125]];
detach _var;
_var = createVehicle ["Land_Hospital_side2_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
_var attachTo [_hs, [-28.0336,-10.0317,0.0889387]];
detach _var;
if (worldName isEqualTo "Tanoa") then {
if (_forEachIndex isEqualTo 0) then {
atm_hospital_2 setPos (_var modelToWorld [4.48633,0.438477,-8.25683]);
vendor_hospital_2 setPos (_var modelToWorld [4.48633,0.438477,-8.25683]);
"medic_spawn_3" setMarkerPos (_var modelToWorld [8.01172,-5.47852,-8.20022]);
"med_car_2" setMarkerPos (_var modelToWorld [8.01172,-5.47852,-8.20022]);
hospital_assis_2 setPos (_hs modelToWorld [0.0175781,0.0234375,-0.231956]);
} else {
atm_hospital_3 setPos (_var modelToWorld [4.48633,0.438477,-8.25683]);
vendor_hospital_3 setPos (_var modelToWorld [4.48633,0.438477,-8.25683]);
"medic_spawn_1" setMarkerPos (_var modelToWorld [-1.85181,-6.07715,-8.24944]);
"med_car_1" setMarkerPos (_var modelToWorld [5.9624,11.8799,-8.28493]);
hospital_assis_2 setPos (_hs modelToWorld [0.0175781,0.0234375,-0.231956]);
} forEach ["hospital_2","hospital_3"];
if (!isPlayer _x) then {
_npc = _x;
if (_x != "") then {
_npc removeWeapon _x;
} forEach [primaryWeapon _npc,secondaryWeapon _npc,handgunWeapon _npc];
} forEach allUnits;
[8,true,12] execFSM "\life_server\FSM\timeModule.fsm";
life_adminLevel = 0;
life_medicLevel = 0;
life_copLevel = 0;
/* Setup radio channels for west/independent/civilian */
life_radio_west = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "Side Channel", "%UNIT_NAME", []];
life_radio_civ = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "Side Channel", "%UNIT_NAME", []];
life_radio_indep = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.95, 1, 0.8], "Side Channel", "%UNIT_NAME", []];
/* Event handler for disconnecting players */
addMissionEventHandler ["HandleDisconnect",{_this call TON_fnc_clientDisconnect; false;}];
[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\functions.sqf";
/* Set OwnerID players for Headless Client */
TON_fnc_requestClientID =
(_this select 1) setVariable ["life_clientID", owner (_this select 1), true];
"life_fnc_RequestClientId" addPublicVariableEventHandler TON_fnc_requestClientID;
/* Event handler for logs */
"money_log" addPublicVariableEventHandler {diag_log (_this select 1)};
"advanced_log" addPublicVariableEventHandler {diag_log (_this select 1)};
/* Miscellaneous mission-required stuff */
life_wanted_list = [];
cleanupFSM = [] execFSM "\life_server\FSM\cleanup.fsm";
[] spawn {
for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} forEach [Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3];
[] spawn TON_fnc_initHouses;
cleanup = [] spawn TON_fnc_cleanup;
TON_fnc_playtime_values = [];
TON_fnc_playtime_values_request = [];
//Just incase the Headless Client connects before anyone else
publicVariable "TON_fnc_playtime_values";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_playtime_values_request";
/* Setup the federal reserve building(s) */
private _vaultHouse = [[["Altis", "Land_Research_house_V1_F"], ["Tanoa", "Land_Medevac_house_V1_F"]]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort;
private _altisArray = [16019.5,16952.9,0];
private _tanoaArray = [11074.2,11501.5,0.00137329];
private _pos = [[["Altis", _altisArray], ["Tanoa", _tanoaArray]]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort;
_dome = nearestObject [_pos,"Land_Dome_Big_F"];
_rsb = nearestObject [_pos,_vaultHouse];
for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_dome setVariable [format ["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_i],1,true]; _dome animateSource [format ["Door_%1_source", _i], 0];};
_dome setVariable ["locked",true,true];
_rsb setVariable ["locked",true,true];
_rsb setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_1",1,true];
_dome allowDamage false;
_rsb allowDamage false;
/* Tell clients that the server is ready and is accepting queries */
life_server_isReady = true;
publicVariable "life_server_isReady";
/* Initialize hunting zone(s) */
aiSpawn = ["hunting_zone",30] spawn TON_fnc_huntingZone;
// We create the attachment point to be used for objects to attachTo load virtually in vehicles.
life_attachment_point = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle [0,0,0];
life_attachment_point setPosASL [0,0,0];
life_attachment_point setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,0], [0,0,1]];
// Sharing the point of attachment with all players.
publicVariable "life_attachment_point";
diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
diag_log format [" End of Altis Life Server Init :: Total Execution Time %1 seconds ",(diag_tickTime) - _timeStamp];
diag_log "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
komplett rausnehmen am besten auskommentieren und testen
*Da muss ich dan also nur
if (!isPlayer _x) then {
_npc = _x;
if (_x != "") then {
_npc removeWeapon _x;
} forEach [primaryWeapon _npc,secondaryWeapon _npc,handgunWeapon _npc];
/*} forEach allUnits;
So richtig ?
Es geht jetzt
so habe ich es gemacht
if (!isPlayer _x) then {
_npc = _x;
if (_x != "") then {
_npc removeWeapon _x;
} forEach [primaryWeapon _npc,secondaryWeapon _npc,handgunWeapon _npc];
/*} forEach allUnits;