Moin Moin,
Wir wollen unsern Server umstellen. Dabei brauchen wir aber die Schwierigkeitsstufe Custom. Hierbei klappt aber immer nicht die 3rd Person View.
Ich brauche eure Hilfe. Anbei ist die Server.cfg
Code: Server.cfg
// ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
// █████████████████████████ GRUNDEINSTELLUNGEN ██████████████████████████
// ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
hostname = "";
password = ""; //Bei keinem Passwort einfach leer lassen...
passwordAdmin = "";
logFile = "arma3server.log";
verifySignatures = 2; // Verhindert dass Spieler welche unbekannte Mods verwenden deinen Server betreten und hält so eine Menge Hacker fern. Standart: 2
equalModRequired = 0; // Prevent players who don't have the exact same mods as the server from joining (best kept at 0)
requiredSecureId = 2; // was used to define type of secureID
maxPlayers = 120; // Slotzahl deines Servers. Empfohlen: 64
kickDuplicate = 1; // Each player normally has its own unique ID. If set to 1, players with an ID that is identical to another player will be kicked
serverCommandPassword = ""
BattlEye = 1; // BattlEye Ein- oder Abschalten. 1 = Eingeschaltet | 0 = Ausgeschaltet (Nicht empfohlen!)
motd[] =
motdInterval = 30; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message
// ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
// ███████████████████████ MISSIONSEINSTELLUNGEN █████████████████████████
// ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
voteMissionPlayers = 1; // Tells the server how many people must connect before displaying the mission selection screen, if you have not already selected a mission in this config
voteThreshold = 2; // Percentage (0.00 to 1.00) of players needed to vote for something, for example an admin or a new mission, to become effective. Set to 9999 to prevent people from voting random players as admins.
allowedVoteCmds[] = {};
class Missions
class Mission1
class DifficultyPresets
class CustomDifficulty
class Options
// Simulation
reducedDamage = 0; // Reduced damage
// Situational awareness
groupIndicators = 2; // Group indicators (0 = never, 1 = limited distance, 2 = always)
friendlyTags = 0; // Friendly name tags (0 = never, 1 = limited distance, 2 = always)
enemyTags = 0; // Enemy name tags (0 = never, 1 = limited distance, 2 = always)
detectedMines = 0; // Detected mines (0 = never, 1 = limited distance, 2 = always)
commands = 0; // Commands (0 = never, 1 = fade out, 2 = always)
waypoints = 2; // Waypoints (0 = never, 1 = fade out, 2 = always)
// Personal awareness
weaponInfo = 2; // Weapon info (0 = never, 1 = fade out, 2 = always)
stanceIndicator = 2; // Stance indicator (0 = never, 1 = fade out, 2 = always)
staminaBar = 1; // Stamina bar
weaponCrosshair = 1; // Weapon crosshair
visionAid = 0; // Vision aid
// View
thirdPersonView = 1; // 3rd person view
cameraShake = 0; // Camera shake
// Multiplayer
scoreTable = 0; // Score table
deathMessages = 1; // Killed by
vonID = 1; // VON ID
// Misc
mapContent = 0; // Extended map content
autoReport = 1; // Automatic reporting
multipleSaves = 1; // Multiple saves
//aiLevelPreset is counted from 0 and can have following values: 0 (AI Level Low), 1 (AI Level Normal), 2 (AI Level High), 3 (AI Level Custom).
//When 3 (AI Level Custom) is chosen, values of skill and precision are stored to the class CustomAILevel.
class CustomAILevel
// ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
// █████████████████████ ERWEITERTE EINSTELLUNGEN ████████████████████████
// ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, voice chat will be disabled
vonCodecQuality = 30; // Supports range 1-30; 8kHz is 0-10 (narrowband), 16kHz is 11-20 (wideband), 32kHz is 21-30 (ultrawideband); higher = better sound quality
persistent = 1; // If set to 1, missions will continue to run after all players have disconnected
timeStampFormat = "short"; // Set the timestamp format used on each line of the server RPT log file. Possible values are "none" (default), "short", "full".
allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"}; // only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via loadFile command (since Arma 3 build 1.19.124216)
allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"}; // only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via preprocessFile/preprocessFileLineNumber commands (since Arma 3 build 1.19.124323)
allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"htm","html","xml","txt"}; // only allow files with those extensions to be loaded via HTMLLoad command (since Arma 3 build 1.27.126715)
onUserConnected = ""; // command to run when a player connects
onUserDisconnected = ""; // command to run when a player disconnects
doubleIdDetected = ""; // command to run if a player has the same ID as another player in the server
onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // command to run if a player has unsigned data
onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // command to run if a player has data with invalid signatures
onDifferentData = ""; // command to run if a player has modified data
Alles anzeigen
Mfg Gerrit