Hallo liebe Comunity,
ich habe in meinem Clientlog folgenden Fehler:
1:11:05 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
1:11:05 " End of Altis Life Client Init :: Total Execution Time 130.611 seconds "
1:11:05 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
1:11:08 No speaker given for
1:11:14 No speaker given for
1:11:16 No speaker given for
1:11:25 Wrong init state
1:11:26 No speaker given for
1:11:27 [weapon hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F]: item[optic_ERCO_blk_F] does not match to this weapon!
1:11:27 [weapon srifle_DMR_03_F]: item[muzzle_snds_acp] does not match to this weapon!
1:11:27 [weapon srifle_DMR_03_F]: item[optic_MRD] does not match to this weapon!
1:11:37 No speaker given for
1:12:05 Duplicate weapon Throw detected for C_man_1
1:12:05 Duplicate weapon Put detected for C_man_1
1:12:15 "0h 5min | Mike Black(76561198191636787) | Revive - civ_1(76561198191636787)"
1:12:16 Error in expression <if (isNil "_cfg") then {_cfg = 0;};
if (_cfg isEqualTo 1) exitWith {
_ret = swit>
1:12:16 Error position: <_cfg isEqualTo 1) exitWith {
_ret = swit>
1:12:16 Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: _cfg
1:12:16 File core\functions\fn_accType.sqf [life_fnc_accType], line 113
1:12:16 Error in expression <if (isNil "_cfg") then {_cfg = 0;};
if (_cfg isEqualTo 1) exitWith {
_ret = swit>
1:12:16 Error position: <_cfg isEqualTo 1) exitWith {
_ret = swit>
1:12:16 Error Nicht definierte Variable in Ausdruck: _cfg
1:12:16 File core\functions\fn_accType.sqf [life_fnc_accType], line 113
Alles anzeigen
Ich kann dies überhaupt ncith einordnen und habe keine Ahnung wie ich den Fehler verstehen soll...
Kann mit irgend jemand helfen?
Hier noch die accType:
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
File: fn_accType.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
*Functionality from Virtual Ammobox System*
Checks what type of an attachment is passed and what it is compatible with.
Should now be compatible with the new compatibleItems class structure... This was not a fun task but thankfully
Robalo gave me some code that showed me the way. If it isn't 100% compatible then IDFK. The forEach in a forEach drove me nuts and
not the best way to do things, I really don't know what I was thinking but doing PHP code for two weeks and playing GTA V tends to make you
forget things.... Wow what a ramble... blah blah blah.
0: Unknown Error
1: Primary
2: Secondary
3: Handgun
private ["_item","_type","_tmp","_ret","_weaponArray"];
_item = [_this,0,"",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_type = [_this,1,0,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param;
if (_item isEqualTo "" || _type isEqualTo 0) exitWith {0};
_ret = 0;
_weaponArray = [primaryWeapon player, secondaryWeapon player, handgunWeapon player];
if (!(_ret isEqualTo 0)) exitWith {}; //Make sure we exit the loop since there was already a match.
if (!(_x isEqualTo "")) then
_weapon = _x;
_cfgInfo = [_weapon,"CfgWeapons"] call life_fnc_fetchCfgDetails;
_legacyItems = ((_cfgInfo select 10) + (_cfgInfo select 11) + (_cfgInfo select 12));
_newItems = _cfgInfo select 14;
//Check Legacy Items first
if (count _legacyItems > 0) then {
for "_i" from 0 to (count _legacyItems)-1 do {
_legacyItems set[_i,toLower(_legacyItems select _i)];
if ((toLower _item) in _legacyItems) exitWith {_ret = switch (_weapon) do {case (primaryWeapon player): {1};case (secondaryWeapon player) : {2};case (handgunWeapon player): {3};default {0};};};
//Check new compatibleItems class structure
if (count _newItems > 0) then {
//This gets weird with forEach in forEach :\
if (!(_ret isEqualTo 0)) exitWith {};
if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> _x >> "compatibleItems")) then {
_cfg = FETCH_CONFIG4(getNumber,"CfgWeapons",_weapon,"WeaponSlotsInfo",_x,"compatibleItems",_item);
if (isNil "_cfg") then {_cfg = 0;};
if (_cfg isEqualTo 1) exitWith {
_ret = switch (_weapon) do {case (primaryWeapon player): {1};case (secondaryWeapon player) : {2};case (handgunWeapon player): {3};default {0};};
} forEach _newItems;
if (!(_ret isEqualTo 0)) exitWith {}; //Make sure we exit the loop
} forEach _weaponArray;
Alles anzeigen
Habe eigentlich auch nichts an der datei geändert..
Danke im Vorraus