Hab bei meinem Server Die Debit Card wieder gelöscht und jetzt scheint in denn RTP Logs dieser Fehler auf
und die Hauser werde nicht mehr von der DB abgerufen
Haus und Gang Probleme
Nickel Komet -
30. Oktober 2017 um 20:37 -
tja dann poste mal die datei core\gangs\fn_initGang.sqf
Alles anzeigen#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_initGang.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Main initialization for gangs? */ private["_exitLoop","_group","_wait"]; if (playerSide != civilian) exitWith {}; //What in the hell? [player] join (createGroup civilian); if (count life_gangData isEqualTo 0) exitWith {}; //Dafuq? _wait = round(random(8)); sleep _wait; //Loop through to make sure there is not a group already created with the gang. _exitLoop = false; { _groupName = _x getVariable "gang_name"; if (!isNil "_groupName") then { _groupOwner = _x getVariable ["gang_owner",""]; _groupID = _x getVariable "gang_id"; if (_groupOwner isEqualTo "" || isNil "_groupID") exitWith {}; //Seriously? if ((life_gangData select 0) isEqualTo _groupID && {(life_gangData select 1) isEqualTo _groupOwner}) exitWith {_group = _x; _exitLoop = true;}; }; } forEach allGroups; if (!isNil "_group") then { [player] join _group; if ((life_gangData select 1) isEqualTo getPlayerUID player) then { _group selectLeader player; [player,_group] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_clientGangLeader",(units _group)]; }; } else { _group = group player; _group setVariable ["gang_id",(life_gangData select 0),true]; _group setVariable ["gang_owner",(life_gangData select 1),true]; _group setVariable ["gang_name",(life_gangData select 2),true]; _group setVariable ["gang_maxMembers",(life_gangData select 3),true]; _group setVariable ["gang_bank",(life_gangData select 4),true]; _group setVariable ["gang_members",(life_gangData select 5),true]; };