hallo ich habe einen fehler und ich finde ihn nicht wäre cool wenn mir jemand helfen würde
23:36:17 Warning Message: File mpmissions\Altis_Life.Altis\Config_vItems.hpp, line 10: /VirtualShops/: '?' encountered instead of '{'
23:36:17 Warning Message: Config : some input after EndOfFile.
Code: Config_vItems
* Format:
* level: ARRAY (This is for limiting items to certain things)
* 0: Variable to read from
* 1: Variable Value Type (SCALAR / BOOL / EQUAL)
* 2: What to compare to (-1 = Check Disabled)
* 3: Custom exit message (Optional)
class VirtualShops {
//Virtual Shops
class market {
name = "STR_Shops_Market";
side = "civ";
license = "";
level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
items[] = { "waterBottle", "rabbit", "redgull", "tbacon", "pickaxe", "toolkit", "fuelFull", "storagesmall", "storagebig", "rabbit_raw", "hen_raw", "rooster_raw", "sheep_raw", "goat_raw" };
class gemüse {
name = "STR_MAR_Gemüse_Shops";
side = "civ";
license = "";
level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
items[] = { "waterBottle", "cheery", "apple", "peach", "mel", "ban" };
class med_market {
name = "STR_Shops_Market";
side = "med";
license = "";
level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
items[] = { "waterBottle", "rabbit", "apple", "redgull", "tbacon", "toolkit", "fuelFull", "peach", "defibrillator" };
class rebel {
name = "STR_Shops_Rebel";
side = "civ";
license = "rebel";
level[] = { "", "", -1, "" };
items[] = { "waterBottle", "rabbit", "apple", "redgull", "tbacon", "lockpick", "pickaxe", "toolkit", "fuelFull", "peach", "boltcutter", "blastingcharge" };
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