21:05:31 Item STR_Medic_Progress listed twice 21:05:31 Unsupported language English in stringtable 21:05:31 Starting mission: 21:05:31 Mission file: __cur_mp (__CUR_MP) 21:05:31 Mission world: Altis 21:05:31 Mission directory: mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\ 21:05:33 "fn_init.sqf 1" 21:05:33 "fn_init.sqf 2" 21:05:33 "fn_init.sqf 3" 21:05:38 String STR_MAR_W_E_Vehicle Shop not found 21:05:38 String STR_MAR_W_E_Vehicle Shop not found 21:05:38 String STR_MAR_W_E_Vehicle Shop not found 21:05:38 "Requesting experience data from server" 21:05:38 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_endmission 21:05:38 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 21:05:38 "--------------------------------- Starting TurkOyunPortali ----------------------------------" 21:05:38 "------------------------------------------ Version V1 -------------------------------------------" 21:05:38 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 21:05:38 "::Life Client:: Initialization Variables" 21:05:38 "::Life Client:: Variables initialized" 21:05:38 "::Life Client:: Setting up Eventhandlers" 21:05:38 "::Life Client:: Eventhandlers completed" 21:05:38 "::Life Client:: Setting up user actions" 21:05:38 "::Life Client:: User actions completed" 21:05:38 "::Life Client:: Waiting for server functions to transfer.." 21:05:38 "::Life Client:: Received server functions." 21:05:38 "::Life Client:: Waiting for the server to be ready.." 21:05:39 "TTM: Perk data received" 21:05:39 0 21:05:39 0 21:05:39 0 21:05:39 [] 21:05:40 Mission id: be9aa4f3dee49e250a52fa4f84b42d89cdcabb4f 21:05:40 "::Life Client:: Creating AGB Dialog" 21:07:22 "Past Settings Init" 21:07:22 "Executing client.fsm" 21:07:22 "Display 46 Found" 21:07:22 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 21:07:22 " End of Altis Life Client Init :: Total Execution Time 104.038 seconds " 21:07:22 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"