waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};
waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 38500)};
waitUntil {isNull (findDisplay 38500)};
_rscLayer = "statusBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
_rscLayer cutRsc["statusBar","PLAIN"];
systemChat format["Status Bar...", _rscLayer];
[] spawn {
sleep 5;
//set the color values.
//Additional color codes can be found here: http://html-color-codes.com/
_colourDefault = parseText "#ADADAD"; //set your default colour here
_colour100 = parseText "#336600";
_colour90 = parseText "#339900";
_colour80 = parseText "#33CC00";
_colour70 = parseText "#33FF00";
_colour60 = parseText "#66FF00";
_colour50 = parseText "#CCFF00";
_colour40 = parseText "#CCCC00";
_colour30 = parseText "#CC9900";
_colour20 = parseText "#CC6600";
_colour10 = parseText "#CC3300";
_colour0 = parseText "#CC0000";
_colourDead = parseText "#000000";
while {true} do {
sleep 1;
//moved the creation of the status bar inside the loop and create it if it is null,
//this is to handle instance where the status bar is disappearing
if(isNull ((uiNamespace getVariable "statusBar")displayCtrl 55555)) then {
diag_log "statusbar is null create";
_rscLayer = "statusBar" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer;
_rscLayer cutRsc["statusBar","PLAIN"];
//initialize variables and set values
_unit = _this select 0;
_nakit = [life_cash] call life_fnc_numberText;
_bank = ([life_atmbank] call life_fnc_numberText);
_fps = format["%1", diag_fps];
_polis = (west countSide playableUnits);
_doktor = (independent countSide playableUnits);
_sivil = (civilian countSide playableUnits);
_time = (round(240-(serverTime)/60)); //edit the '240' value (60*4=240) to change the countdown timer if your server restarts are shorter or longer than 4 hour intervals
_hours = (floor(_time/60));
_minutes = (_time - (_hours * 60));
_players = (count playableUnits);
switch(_minutes) do {
case 9: {_minutes = "09"};
case 8: {_minutes = "08"};
case 7: {_minutes = "07"};
case 6: {_minutes = "06"};
case 5: {_minutes = "05"};
case 4: {_minutes = "04"};
case 3: {_minutes = "03"};
case 2: {_minutes = "02"};
case 1: {_minutes = "01"};
case 0: {_minutes = "00"};
//Colour coding
//display the information
((uiNamespace getVariable "statusBar")displayCtrl 55555)ctrlSetStructuredText parseText
FPS: %7
ToprakH. Nitrado.net
Restart: %9:%10