[] spawn { private["_fnc_food","_fnc_water"]; _fnc_food = { if(life_hunger < 2) then {player setDamage 1; hint localize "STR_NOTF_EatMSG_Death";} else { life_hunger = life_hunger - 10; [] call life_fnc_hudUpdate; if(life_hunger < 2) then {player setDamage 1; hint localize "STR_NOTF_EatMSG_Death";}; switch(life_hunger) do { case 30: {hint localize "STR_NOTF_EatMSG_1";}; case 20: {hint localize "STR_NOTF_EatMSG_2";}; case 10: {hint localize "STR_NOTF_EatMSG_3";player setFatigue 1;}; }; }; }; _fnc_water = { if(life_thirst < 2) then {player setDamage 1; hint localize "STR_NOTF_DrinkMSG_Death";} else { life_thirst = life_thirst - 10; [] call life_fnc_hudUpdate; if(life_thirst < 2) then {player setDamage 1; hint localize "STR_NOTF_DrinkMSG_Death";}; switch(life_thirst) do { case 30: {hint localize "STR_NOTF_DrinkMSG_1";}; case 20: {hint localize "STR_NOTF_DrinkMSG_2"; player setFatigue 1;}; case 10: {hint localize "STR_NOTF_DrinkMSG_3"; player setFatigue 1;}; }; }; }; while{true} do { sleep 600; [] call _fnc_water; sleep 250; [] call _fnc_food; }; }; [] spawn { private ["_ChannelName","_Servername","_TSPlugin"]; sleep 10; while{true}do { _ChannelName = call TFAR_fnc_getTeamSpeakChannelName; _ServerName = call TFAR_fnc_getTeamSpeakServerName; _TSPlugin = call TFAR_fnc_isTeamSpeakPluginEnabled; _Nixsehen = false; _Admin = ((call life_Adminlevel) > 0); _ListedChannel = ["TaskForceRadio Lakeside"]; if(!_Admin && _Servername != "Project America: The American Way of Life") then {_Nixsehen = true;}; if(!_Admin && !(_ChannelName in _ListedChannel)) then { _Nixsehen = true;}; if(!_Admin && !_TSPlugin) then {_Nixsehen = true;}; if(_Nixsehen) then {cutText ["Falscher Channel/Server oder Plugin ausgeschaltet! Bitte im TS melden!", "BLACK FADED"];} else { cutText ["","PLAIN"];}; sleep 3; }; }; [] spawn { private["_bp","_load","_cfg"]; while{true} do { waitUntil {backpack player != ""}; _bp = backpack player; _cfg = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (backpack player) >> "maximumload"); _load = round(_cfg / 8); life_maxWeight = life_maxWeightT + _load; if(playerSide == civilian) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0,""];}; if(playerSide == east) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0,""];}; if(playerSide == independent) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [0,""];}; waitUntil {backpack player != _bp}; if(backpack player == "") then { life_maxWeight = life_maxWeightT; }; }; }; [] spawn { while {true} do { sleep 1.5; if(life_carryWeight > life_maxWeight && !isForcedWalk player) then { player forceWalk true; player setFatigue 1; hint localize "STR_NOTF_MaxWeight"; } else { if(isForcedWalk player) then { player forceWalk false; }; }; }; }; [] spawn { while {true} do { waitUntil {(life_drug > 0)}; while{(life_drug > 0)} do { if(life_drug > 0.08) then { sleep 60; [] spawn life_fnc_suechtig; hint "Sie sollten bei einen Notarzt vorbei schauen! Sie sind stark Drogensuechtig!"; sleep 240; }; }; }; }; [] spawn { private["_walkDis","_myLastPos","_MaxWalk","_runHunger","_runDehydrate"]; _walkDis = 0; _myLastPos = (getPos player select 0) + (getPos player select 1); _MaxWalk = 1200; while{true} do { sleep 0.5; if(!alive player) then {_walkDis = 0;} else { _CurPos = (getPos player select 0) + (getPos player select 1); if((_CurPos != _myLastPos) && (vehicle player == player)) then { _walkDis = _walkDis + 1; if(_walkDis == _MaxWalk) then { _walkDis = 0; life_thirst = life_thirst - 5; life_hunger = life_hunger - 5; [] call life_fnc_hudUpdate; }; }; _myLastPos = (getPos player select 0) + (getPos player select 1); }; }; }; [] spawn { while {true} do { sleep 1.5; if(life_inv_uranium2 != 0) then { player forceWalk true; player setFatigue 1; hint "Du transportierst Uranium das sehr schwer ist, deswegen bewegst du dich langsamer!"; } else { if(isForcedWalk player) then { player forceWalk false; }; }; }; }; [] spawn { while {true} do { private["_damage"]; sleep 1; while {((player distance (getMarkerPos "Warm_Marker") < 150) && (player getVariable["Revive",TRUE]))} do { if(uniform player == "U_C_Scientist") then { hint "!!! Du betrittst die Radioaktive Sperrzone !!! Aber dein Schutzanzug schützt dich"; sleep 5; }else { hint "!!! ACHTUNG RADIOAKTIVE ZONE !!! DU KANNST STERBEN, WENN DU KEINEN SCHUTZANZUG AN HAST"; _damage = damage player; _damage = _damage + 0.1; player setDamage (_damage); [] call life_fnc_hudUpdate; sleep 5; }; }; }; if(player getVariable "ACE_isUnconscious") then { _action = [ format["Du bist Ohnmächtig. Mit letzter kraft kannst du dein Handy ziehen. Möchtest du einen Notarzt über deine Lage informieren? Wenn nicht hast du noch ca 10 Minuten zu leben."], "Ohnmächtig", localize "STR_Global_Yes", localize "STR_Global_No" ] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage; life_corpse = player; if(!isNil "_action" && {_action}) then { [] call life_fnc_requestMedic; _medicsOnline = {_x != player && {side _x == independent} && {alive _x}} count playableUnits > 0; if(!_medicsOnline) then { _action = [ format["Kein Notarzt hat auf deine Nachricht geantwortet. Wenn ein Spieler dich findet kann er dich in einn Krankenhaus bringen und dort von einem Artzt (NPC) behandeln lassen."], "Niemand da", "Ok" ] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage; }; }; };