/* Author: Yasar-S Desc: Date Time will be updated in cur_date_time cur_date_time = [YEAR,MONTH,DAY,HOUR,MIN,SEC] You use this Variable on every HC Server or Player which are connected to your Arma 3 Server. You have to call this with the server start for example in the init.sqf How you should call that ? [] spawn YOURTAG_fnc_getDateTime; OR [] execVM "PATH\fn_getDateTime"; */ private _conv = { params ["_mySQLTime"]; if(isNil "_mySQLTime") exitWith {}; private _r = _mySQLTime splitString "-"; _r append ((_r select 2) splitString " "); _r deleteAt 2; _r append ((_r select 3) splitString ":"); _r deleteAt 3; for "_i" from 0 to count(_r)-1 do { _r set [_i,parseNumber (_r select _i)]; }; _r }; while { isServer } do { _time = ["select current_timestamp();",2] call DB_fnc_asyncCall; if !(_time isEqualTo []) then { cur_date_time = (_time select 0) call _conv; }; publicVariable "cur_date_time"; sleep 60; };