17:23:26 Unsupported language German in stringtable 17:23:27 Starting mission: 17:23:27 Mission file: __cur_mp (__CUR_MP) 17:23:27 Mission world: Altis 17:23:27 Mission directory: mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\ 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c85ebd600# 1781440: campfire_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c87740100# 1781573: campfire_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c82ed2080# 1781708: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c82ed5600# 1781715: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c82ed4b80# 1781716: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c82ed4100# 1781717: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877db580# 1781718: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877dab00# 1781719: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877da080# 1781720: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877d9600# 1781721: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877d8b80# 1781722: campfire_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877d8100# 1781723: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877df580# 1781724: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877deb00# 1781726: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877dc100# 1781730: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877d6b00# 1781732: campfire_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877d6080# 1781733: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877d4100# 1781736: campfire_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877cf580# 1781743: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877ceb00# 1781744: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c877ce080# 1781745: metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 hidebullet_001 - unknown animation source codrivermuzzle_revolving 17:23:31 hidebullet_002 - unknown animation source codrivermuzzle_revolving 17:23:31 hidebullet2_001 - unknown animation source codrivermuzzle_revolving 17:23:31 hidebullet2_002 - unknown animation source codrivermuzzle_revolving 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c8b9fe080# 1782932: campfire_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Ref to nonnetwork object 20c8b9fd600# 1782933: campfire_f.p3d REMOTE 17:23:31 Setting invalid pitch -145214129945894530000000000000000000.0000 for L Alpha 1-1:1 REMOTE 17:23:31 Setting invalid pitch 0.0000 for L Alpha 1-2:52 REMOTE 17:23:31 Setting invalid pitch 0.0000 for L Alpha 1-2:53 REMOTE 17:23:31 Setting invalid pitch 0.0000 for L Alpha 1-2:55 REMOTE 17:23:31 Setting invalid pitch 0.0000 for L Alpha 1-2:56 REMOTE 17:23:31 Setting invalid pitch 0.0000 for L Alpha 1-2:57 REMOTE 17:23:31 Setting invalid pitch 0.0000 for L Alpha 1-2:58 REMOTE 17:23:31 Setting invalid pitch 0.0000 for L Alpha 1-2:61 REMOTE 17:23:31 Setting invalid pitch 0.0000 for L Alpha 1-2:62 REMOTE 17:23:31 Setting invalid pitch -145291298176183430000000000000000000.0000 for B Alpha 1-2:1 REMOTE 17:23:32 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed 17:23:32 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_endmission 17:23:32 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 17:23:32 "--------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Client Init ----------------------------------" 17:23:32 "------------------------------------------ Version 5.0.0 -------------------------------------------" 17:23:32 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 17:23:32 Mission id: 40b5109c66a523da9081adf5713f530cf9fae669 17:23:32 "[Life Client] Initialization Variables" 17:23:32 "[Life Client] Variables initialized" 17:23:32 "[Life Client] Setting up Eventhandlers" 17:23:32 "[Life Client] Eventhandlers completed" 17:23:32 "[Life Client] Setting up user actions" 17:23:32 "[Life Client] User actions completed" 17:23:32 "[Life Client] Waiting for the server to be ready..." 17:23:33 " OK VERSION: infiSTAR.de 21-09-2018 17-29-32 (v259) - server running: 0:2:37468x2" 17:23:36 " OPEN_ADMIN_MENU_KEY: 59" 17:23:39 " config data loaded...!"