/* @file Version: @file Author: RYN_Ryan @file edit: 20.01.2015 Copyright © 2015 Ryan Torzynski, All rights reserved All servers are allowed to use this code, modify and publish it. Every modified release of this script must contain "Original by RTT" */ airdrop_helicopter_main = "B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F"; airdrop_helicopter_scnd = "B_Heli_Attack_01_F"; airdrop_chance = 100; airdrop_positions = [[6224.38,11925.8,0.00156784],[7592,13856,0.00119019],[10018,12119.2,0.00144005],[9122.34,17830.7,0.00247192]]; _airdrop_time_interval = [1,4]; //Time given in hours, this is the interval in which the airdrop should take place. || GER: Zeiteinteilung in Stunden, das ist das Intervall, indem ein Airdrop stattfinden soll. // Do not modify the following code airdrop_time_min = _airdrop_time_interval select 0; airdrop_time_max = _airdrop_time_interval select 1; airdrop_time_min = airdrop_time_min*3600; airdrop_time_max = airdrop_time_max*3600; if (airdrop_time_min>=airdrop_time_max) exitWith {airdrop_enable=false;}; airdrop_enable=true; airdrop_goingon=false;