// FILENAME: welcome.sqf
// =====
// SCRIPT NAME: Server Intro Credits Script by IT07
// Credits for original script: Bohemia Interactive http://bistudio.com
// ========== SCRIPT CONFIG ============
waitUntil{ !isNull(findDisplay 38500)};
waitUntil{ isNull(findDisplay 38500)};
_onScreenTime = 6; //how long one role should stay on screen. Use value from 0 to 10 where 0 is almost instant transition to next role
//NOTE: Above value is not in seconds. It is percentage. Default: 6
// If you want more or less credits on the screen, you have to add/remove roles.
// Watch out though, you need to make sure BOTH role lists match eachother in terms of amount.
// Just take a good look at the _role1 and the rest and you will see what I mean.
// #f2cb0b is the HTML color code for the text. As well as #FFFFFF in the row below it.
// Find the color code you want here: http://html-color-codes.info
// =====
// ==== SCRIPT START ====
// waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_animalCheck"}; //remove this line completely to make it work in ArmA 3. Yes you read that correctly.
uisleep 1; //Wait in seconds before the credits start after player IS ingame
playSound "intro"; //Willkommen musik
_role1 = "Willkommen auf";
_role1names = ["ZeroDeaths"]; //In white
_role2 = "Teamspeak IP";
_role2names = ["ts.zerodeaths.de"];
_role3 = "Support";
_role3names = ["Du hast Fragen", "oder ein Problem?", " Dann melde dich einfach in unserem Teamspeak!"];
_role4 = "Bitte beachtet";
_role4names = ["Die Server Regeln stehen im Forum! Die Regeln sind jeder Zeit zu beachten!"];
_role5 = "Server Restarts";
_role5names = ["00:00!", "04:00", "08:00", "12:00", "16:00", "20:00", "24:00"];
_role6 = "Server Version";
_role6names = ["Version 1.0"];
_role7 = "Hab Spaß beim Spielen";
_role7names = ["Dein ZeroDeaths Team"];
uisleep 2;
_memberFunction = _x select 0;
_memberNames = _x select 1;
_finalText = format ["%1
", _memberFunction];
_finalText = _finalText + "";
{_finalText = _finalText + format ["%1
", _x]} forEach _memberNames;
_finalText = _finalText + "";
_onScreenTime + (((count _memberNames) - 1) * 0.5);
[0.745438 * safezoneW + safezoneX, 0.201094 * safezoneW], //DEFAULT: 0.5,0.35
[0.4098 * safezoneH + safezoneY, 0.374 * safezoneH], //DEFAULT: 0.8,0.7
] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
uisleep (_onScreenTime);
} forEach [
//The list below should have exactly the same amount of roles as the list above
[_role1, _role1names],
[_role2, _role2names],
[_role3, _role3names],
[_role4, _role4names],
[_role5, _role5names],
[_role6, _role6names],
[_role7, _role7names],